January 16, 2025 Smashing Security podcast #400: Hacker games, AI travel surveillance, and 25 years of IoT
March 21, 2024 Smashing Security podcast #364: Bing pop-up wars, and the British Library ransomware scandal
October 26, 2023 Smashing Security podcast #345: Cyber sloppiness, and why does Google really want to hide your IP address?
bitdefender.com April 16, 2020 49 crypto-wallet pickpocketing browser extensions booted from the Chrome web store
January 24, 2020 Whoops! LastPass accidentally deleted its browser extension from the Chrome store. But it’s back now
bitdefender.com February 11, 2019 Automatic 4K/HD for YouTube extension pulled from Chrome Store for pop-up ad abuse
tripwire.com December 6, 2018 Malicious Chrome extension which sloppily spied on academics believed to originate from North Korea