See me talking security in November 2015

I’ve got a bunch of talks coming up in the next few weeks, and thought it might be a good idea to share some details with you – if you’re able, please come along and say “Hi”.

In chronological order…

3 November 2015 – Keynote: GSE UK Conference, Milton Keynes, UK.

GSE Conference

My keynote presentation at GSE UK Conference 2015 is entitled: “Under Siege: in the home, in the cloud, in the enterprise”.

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Here is the abstract from the conference blurb:

Cybercrime has become big business – not just interested in steal credit card details and passwords from innocent home users, but determined to target organisations with valuable intellectual property.

Your company may well be used to protecting against traditional internet threats, but how well prepared are you to defend your valuable data when the enemy might be not just organised criminals, but nation states with significant technical and financial resources?

Revelations by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have raised awareness about the risks of state-sponsored espionage, not just targeting other governments – but also the very real possibility that intelligence agencies are interested in hacking into the systems of legitimate companies to gather information about your business plans, steal intellectual property or spy on your customers.

Security veteran Graham Cluley describes the methods and techniques used by the different types of online attackers, and can be best done by firms to protect the privacy of customers and maintain trust.

11 November 2015 – Keynote: Microsoft Future Decoded, ExCeL, London, UK.

Future decoded

My keynote presentation at Future Decoded is entitled: “Why we need a trustworthy internet”.

And here is some of the blurb:

Security veteran Graham Cluley examines the risks associated with the internet of things, the ways in which big data can both make our lives better and be abused, and gives a rallying cry for software engineers to put security and privacy at the very centre of their code.

17 November 2015 – Keynote: Insight Technology Show, Manchester, UK.

Insight Technology Show

My keynote presentation at the Insight Technology Show is entitled: “The internet of insecure things”.

Here is some of the abstract for that talk:

You think the state of security is bad already? You ain’t seen nothing yet. The Internet of Things means that more and more household items will be connected to the internet, often with little thought regarding security. If not taken seriously, the threat could be deadly.

Be sure to check out more details of my public speaking schedule, and if you’re interested in hiring me to speak at your event drop me a line.

Of course, if you can’t make it to one of my talks in-person you can always get your fix by subscribing to my YouTube channel. :)


Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "The AI Fix" and "Smashing Security" podcasts. Follow him on Bluesky and Mastodon, or drop him an email.

One comment on “See me talking security in November 2015”

  1. coyote

    Hope they all go well! I'd like to say those are interesting topics but yet they are unfortunately more like scary topics – a scary reality. I don't think there are many people into security (that also write) that have not written about the IoT (or BYOD). I know I have. Yet more scary is that it is more problematic than the already really bad BYOD (the D really doesn't stand for device despite what many will claim; it stands for many other things though – daemon/demon, destruction, demise, disaster, dread, death [of corporate security policies/practises], …). Yet people insist on these things despite the many risks.

    You think these are bad in most environments (besides homes)…. but then you think of hospitals allowing these things (with the rare exceptional admin refusing to allow it). And then medical equipment that allow root access over the Internet, with no authentication whatsoever. These people and vendors need to wake up before death strikes. I hope you can place many nails in the proverbial coffin of these ideas (BYOD and IoT) but we are all in a world of hurt because many simply don't care – until it is too late. I suppose that is the story of security's life, though.

    Good luck and have fun (where possible).

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