Those lovely chaps at FourSys, who ran successful conferences in Scotland and Belfast earlier this year, are running a series of free one-day security events in England under the title “SecureTour14”.
So, if you’re anywhere near Bristol, Cambridge, London or Manchester in October, and are responsible for the information security of your company, this might be just the ticket. :)
Here are some reasons why you might want to come along:
- Senior executives from some of the world’s largest security companies are attending – meaning that you will be able harangue them about their product roadmaps, ask the questions you’ve always been dying to corner them with, and get an answer there and then.
- Ethical hacking training. A certified ethical hacker will be on hand, showing delegates how attackers carry out sophisticated targeted attacks to gain control of systems, just how simple it is to hijack a Windows 7 computer with a single email, and how to steal information from the WiFi connections. You’ll go away with the tools, tips and tricks you need for your team to better protect your organisation.
- I’ll be giving a keynote presentation about the threats organisations face today, and the kind of attacks we will see more of in the future. Chances are I’ll also throw in some gags that you’ve probably heard before if you follow me on Twitter.
- Network with your peers, and hob-nob with members of the computer security industry.
Places, naturally, are limited – so if you want to be in the running, head over to FourSys’s website right now, and take your pick from the Bristol, Manchester, Cambridge and London events.
I look forward to seeing some of you there!
But don’t fret if you can’t make it. I’ll also be speaking in Ireland next month at the ISACA conference in Dublin, and – if you’re down under – giving the keynote at the AVAR conference in Sydney, Australia, in November.
For more details of where I’ll be speaking next, check out my public speaking page where you can also get in touch if you’d like me to speak at your organisation’s next event.