Well, here’s an offer that doesn’t come along every day.
The terribly nice guys at UK security company FourSys are running an exclusive, invite-only, all expenses paid, two day security conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland next month.
And then, a few days later, they’re doing it all again in Loch Lomond, Scotland!
FourSys Security Conference. Hilton Belfast, Belfast. 19-20 June 2014.
Download the agenda and brochure
FourSys Security Conference. Lodge on the Loch, Loch Lomond. 26-27 June 2014.
Download the agenda and brochure
Here are some of the reasons why you should apply for a place:
- Senior executives from some of the world’s largest security companies are attending – meaning that you will be able harangue them about their product roadmaps, ask the questions you’ve always been dying to corner them with, and get an answer there and then.
- Ethical hacking training. A certified ethical hacker will be on hand, showing delegates how attackers carry out sophisticated targeted attacks to gain control of systems, just how simple it is to hijack a Windows 7 computer with a single email, and how to steal information from the WiFi connections. You’ll go away with the tools, tips and tricks you need for your team to better protect your organisation.
- I’ll be giving a keynote presentation about the threats organisations face today, and the kind of attacks we will see more of in the future.
- Network with your peers, and hob-nob with members of the computer security industry.
- Much much more…
Did I mention the free stuff?
- Free food (including as many biscuits as you can handle).
- Free drinks reception.
- Free pastries, more free biscuits, coffee and tea, and yes.. probably alcohol.
- Free gala dinner, with special guest star Graham Cluley giving a speech (I promise I will keep it short).
- Optional “James Bond Experience” (Loch Lomond event only) which will see you grabbing a speed boat across the loch, and participating in clay pigeon shooting, archery and the like if that’s your cup of tea.
- Free accommodation in a swanky hotel.
Frankly, the whole thing sounds too good to be true (apart from my talks), and clearly FourSys are crazy to offer so much for nothing.
Tickets, sadly, are very limited – so if you want to be in the running, head over to FourSys’s website right now, decide which event you are interested in, and let them know.
They’ll be in touch in due course to tell you if you were one of the lucky ones. My guess is that if you’re a UK-based, senior IT decision maker you’re in with a good chance if you get your details to FourSys quickly.
For more details, check out the conference page on FourSys’s website.
If you manage to make one of the FourSys security conferences, please do be sure to come up and say hi. And, if you can’t make either of these events feel free to check out where else I am giving talks in the coming months.