Lady Gaga is still not dead – stop falling for Facebook scams

Graham Cluley
Graham Cluley
 @[email protected]

This weekend we saw another spate of Facebook messages claiming to link to a BBC News report of the death of Lady Gaga.

Of course, the claims are untrue – and Lady Gaga is still alive.

But that isn’t stopping Facebook scammers from creating money-making websites that claim that the eccentric pop star has been found dead in her hotel room, and tricking Facebook users into sharing the links.

Lady Gaga is dead? Facebook scam

BREAKING: Lady Gaga Found Dead in Hotel Room :( mjide35w
[LINK] This is the most awful day in US history

You would think that the scammers would show a little more imagination – rather than using the same disguises time and time again. But, hey, if the scam is working for them – why change it?

Clicking on the link will take you a third-party website, posing as a BBC News online report, which attempts to trick you into clicking on what appears to be a video thumbnail.

Lady Gaga is dead? Facebook scam

In the above screenshot you can see that Sophos Anti-Virus (in this case, our free anti-virus for Mac users) has correctly warned about the webpage and prevented you from being clickjacked.

We’ve seen scams very much like this, many times before.

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Facebook could do a much better job, in my opinion, at helping users avoid falling for tricks like this and clean-up a lot of the mischievous pages and dangerous links on its network.

For instance, a quick search of “Lady Gaga dead” finds a number of Facebook pages attempting to spread the rumour of the artist’s demise.

Lady Gaga is dead? Facebook scam

Some of which have clearly been created with a scam in mind, like this following clickjacking example:

Lady Gaga is dead? Facebook scam

Watch out if you try to play the video as this is a clickjacking scam which attempts to silently say you “Like” the page when you click with your mouse.

If you’ve been hit by scams like this, remove the messages and likes from your Facebook page – and warn your friends not to click on the offending links. Clearly, Facebook needs to work much harder to prevent attacks like this from reoccurring and spreading so rapidly.

Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "The AI Fix" and "Smashing Security" podcasts. Follow him on Bluesky and Mastodon, or drop him an email.

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