In 1671, Colonel Thomas Blood broke into what should have been the safest place on Earth – the Tower of London – and managed to steal the Crown Jewels.
Today it sounds like an adventure story, but there are lessons that all organisations can learn from this, and other heists which have happened over the centuries, when it comes to protecting their data from malicious hackers.
Want to know more? Join me at UK Cyber Week at the Business Design Centre in London, on 3 & 4 November 2022.
Get your FREE ticket today, and meet other speakers including Geoff White, Jayson Street, Cecilie Fjellhøy (From Netflix doc The Tinder Swindler), and experts from Google, Microsoft, City of London Police and more…
I look forward to seeing some of you there. And if you can’t make it to UK Cyber Week in London, please be sure to check out other dates on my speaking schedule over the coming months.