Movie night? Nope. It’s a fake iTunes receipt from phishers targeting Apple users

Put the popcorn away… there aren’t any movie purchases here.

David bisson
David Bisson

Movie night? Nope. It's a fake iTunes receipt from phishers targeting Apple users

A new phishing campaign is using a fake iTunes receipt for movie purchases to compromise Apple users’ sensitive information.

Fortinet researchers first spotted the phishing campaign over the weekend of 17 February.

The attack begins when an Apple user receives a receipt that appears to have come from iTunes. In actuality, an email address based in Norway sent the message. The receipt lists purchases for a series of movies. These films (which include “Allied”, “Arrival”, and “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back”) debuted in theaters recently, which makes the ruse relevant and consequently more believable.

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Itunes movie phishing

This email isn’t the first time phishers (or smishers, for that matter) have targeted Apple users. Users in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States have witnessed similar attacks over the past few years.

This particular campaign targets Canadian users and seems to have improved upon earlier iterations of the scam.

Of course, most users who receive the receipt will wonder why they’ve been charged so much money for something they haven’t purchased. Their attention will subsequently go to the link at the bottom of the email that claims they can obtain a full refund. But clicking on the link doesn’t help them in the slightest.

As explained by Fortinet’s researchers:

“At the bottom of the receipt, there’s a link to request a “full refund” in case of an unauthorized transaction. Needless to say, it does not redirect to the legitimate “My Apple ID” website, but to the URL

Phishing site

Okay, so we can immediately see something’s off.

Apple has no need for a user’s Social insurance number, which Canadians need to work for or to access government services, or their mother’s maiden name. But the phishers want their targets to overlook that fact and enter their details. Indeed, doing so would help the attackers assume control of their victim’s credit card and other financial information.

This campaign, like so many others, demonstrates the importance of carefully reviewing suspicious emails. Users should look at the sending email address to see if it’s legitimate. If they come across an invoice or receipt for a credit card purchase, they should check their account history for such a transaction. If they don’t find anything, that means scammers are just trying to scare them into handing over their payment card details.

Additionally, users might consider setting up transaction notifications on their payment cards. That way, if they haven’t received an alert of a transaction, they’ll immediately know that an invoice such as the one above is a fake.

David Bisson is an infosec news junkie and security journalist. He works as Contributing Editor for Graham Cluley Security News and Associate Editor for Tripwire's "The State of Security" blog.

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