The funniest Edward Snowden video you’re probably ever going to see

Edward Snowden / John OliverThe issues raised by the information leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden are incredibly serious, but there are still many who tune out or fail to understand how governments and intelligence agencies are able to covertly spy upon us and breach our privacy.

So, we should be enormously thankful to British satirist John Oliver who this weekend broadcast an interview he filmed in Moscow with Snowden.

Like all good satire it makes a point so much more effectively because of humour. Check out the hilarious video now, but you may want to make sure there are no kids in the vicinity as the language is sometimes a bit fruity.

The interview with Snowden starts at approximately 13 min 45 seconds:

Government Surveillance: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Part of the video addresses John Oliver’s main concern – could the NSA have a picture of his… umm… dick?

Edward Snowden: If you have your email somewhere like Gmail, hosted on a server overseas, or transferred overseas, or anytime crosses over the borders of the United States, your junk ends up in the database.

John Oliver: So it doesn’t have to be sending your dick to a German?

Edward Snowden: No. Even if you’re sending it to someone within the United States. Your wholly domestic communication between you and your wife can go from New York to London and back and get caught up in the database.

John Oliver: How are they going to see my dick? I’m only concerned about my penis.

Edward Snowden: When you send your junk through Gmail, for example, that’s stored on Google’s servers. Google moves data from data center to data center, invisibly to you without your knowledge, your data could be moved outside the borders of the United States…

John Oliver: (Head in hands) Oh no…

Edward Snowden: …temporarily. When your junk was passed by Gmail, the NSA caught a copy of that.

Who would have thought that the way to get the average guy in the street interested in Snowden’s revelations was to explain it in terms of the US government being able to see pictures of your todger?

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In the past I’ve praised John Oliver for helping explain net neutrality without boring an audience rigid. The chap is brilliant.

Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "Smashing Security" podcast. Follow him on Twitter, Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, or drop him an email.

8 comments on “The funniest Edward Snowden video you’re probably ever going to see”

  1. Anonymous

    Very funny.

    "I guess, on the plus side, you might be able to go home because no one knows who the f**k you are"

    He held himself well.

  2. Bill Blagger

    Brilliant! Thanks for sharing that, GC.

  3. John

    How do I see this video in UK?

    1. Graham CluleyGraham Cluley · in reply to John

      Yes, unfortunately the video appears to be blocked in the UK. Try using a VPN like TunnelBear or HideMyAss to to trick YouTube into believing you're in another country.

      Actually, using a VPN is a good idea anyway on the net for privacy reasons.

  4. Bill Blagger

    Try this link

    1. Nick Rorke · in reply to Bill Blagger
      1. Graham CluleyGraham Cluley · in reply to Nick Rorke

        VPN is your friend. See my earlier comment.

      2. Bill Blagger · in reply to Nick Rorke

        The first vid was taken down for copyright infringement, the one now linked to isn't available in the UK. Try a search on youtube for John Oliver: Government Surveillance as unofficial ones not posted by Last Week Tonight may be viewable in the UK (until they get taken down). If the vid is 33 or so minutes long fast foward to around 14 mins.

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