In a world where cybercriminals frequently target users of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis, fans of business network LinkedIn don’t get away scot free.
Take, for example, this malicious attack that we have seen spammed out over the last few days.
You receive an email in your inbox which appears, to all intents and purposes, to be a reminder that you have two outstanding requests to connect to others on LinkedIn, and have messages waiting.
However, the hyperlink doesn’t take you to LinkedIn’s website but instead to a webpage that installs a variant of the ZBot malware (also known as Zeus) onto your computer.
So, rather than expanding your business connections you have just widened your circle to include remote hackers who can now compromise your computer and potentially steal your confidential data. You shouldn’t be surprised if next time you login to your online bank, the hackers are able to view your passwords as easily as if they were peeping over your shoulder.
Don’t forget to keep your security defences up-to-date and your wits about you.