Security Down-Under. Graham Cluley to keynote at AVAR 2014 in Sydney

AVAR 2014Tickets are available from today for one of the year’s top anti-virus conferences: AVAR 2014.

AVAR 2014 (AVAR stands for the Association of anti-Virus Asia Researchers, by the way) will see some of the world’s leading experts in malware coming together in November in Sydney, Australia, to discuss the latest threats, and how to stop them.

If you’re a security researcher then there will be plenty of interest at the conference.

A call for papers has just been issued, with suggested topics including:

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Security news, advice, and tips.
  • Case Studies of Targeted Attacks
  • Real-Life Attack Demonstrations (PoC’s accepted)
  • Web-Inject Attacks/Code Insertion Attacks
  • Man in the Browser Attacks
  • (Targeted) Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
  • (Dedicated) Advanced Evasion Techniques (AET)
  • Mitigation to all of the above
  • Identification and investigation of Targeted Threats
  • How to spot Targeted Attacks in collections
  • COINTEL (Counter Intelligence) on determined adversaries (e.g, detecting the attacker, running honeypots, etc.)
  • Mobile Malware
  • Security Policies

However, don’t feel limited by the above list. AVAR says that if you have research or studies on other areas of security or malware-related topics they will be very happy to consider them. Find out more about the call for papers on the AVAR 2014 website.

Graham CluleyI’m also delighted to be able to tell you that the conference’s organising committee have chosen yours truly to deliver the keynote speech at AVAR 2014, which will be entitled “What 20 years working in the Anti-Virus industry taught me.”

(Want to know how pleased I am to be asked to give the keynote at AVAR 2014? Just look at my smiling picture to the right. I look like the cat who got the cream, or at the very least a man who has found a tenner down the back of a sofa).

No, it’s not an April Fool. I really am hoping to tell the audience exactly what (if anything) I have learnt since joining the professional world of computer security way back in January 1992.

If you can’t make it to Sydney, Australia, then fear not. You can check this webpage to find out where else I am scheduled to give public speeches in the coming months.

Anti-virus conferences can be a lot of fun – not just for the great talks and research that is presented, but also for the opportunity to network with peers and (as we saw during the competitive beer-drinking foosball fest that was VB2013) let your hair down.

So, please do come along to an anti-virus conference soon and say “G’day!”.

Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "Smashing Security" podcast. Follow him on Twitter, Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, or drop him an email.

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