Apple has just released a new version of iOS for iPhone and iPad users, which they claim will fix the various passcode flaws that have been embarrassing the company since the recent launch of iOS 7.
The most recently discovered problem was a vulnerability in iOS 7’s lockscreen code that allowed anyone to make a phone call from a locked device via the emergency screen.
Anyone want to place a bet on how long it takes hackers to find a vulnerability in this version?
If you want to install it for yourself, go to Settings | General | Software Update. Be sure, of course, to read the terms & conditions before you go ahead and install the update to iOS 7.02 – who knows what they could have slipped in there?
PS. Anyone else going to try using that Greek keyboard option for a really tricky to crack passcode? :)
This update is not good for IPhone 4! :(
Why isnt it?
my phone screen shows de plug and pointing to itunes help me!
my iPhone 5 did the same thing I plugged it into my
computer now it wants to RESTORE the iphone to NEW I really
don't wanna loose all my data/pics but I think
it's too late
My IPhone 4 is showing the same thing! Plug pointing toward
iTunes icon. Frozen on that screen. Can anyone help!!!!!!
My recommendation would be to seek assistance from Apple's tech support community.
That happened when I downloaded the iOS 7 update. You don't have a choice: you must restore your iPhone. But don't fret about losing apps. Most likely when you plugged it in to your computer it backed up your apps to your computer. Otherwise your iPhone probably backups to the iCloud automatically each night. Once you restore your iPhone, you will be able to set it up and if it doesn't prompt to retrieve apps through the iCloud, you can do so through your settings. Then they download when you're in wifi. Your music, however, won't restore, so you'll have to sync from your itunes again.
Is that the same with android then because I can phone
emergency services from my lock screen as well!
This particular flaw allowed you to ring *any* number from the emergency screen however. Clearly "suboptimal" :)
Last time I installed iOS 0.7 & now could i re
install iOS 7.2 for iPhone 5?please inform me immediately
Do you mean iOS 7.0? If your iDevice can run iOS 7.0 then 7.02 should be safe to install. Just go via software update on your iPhone settings app.
Yes sir I meant iOS 7 version & I also installed iOS 7.2 version properly .. Thank you sir .
How can I downgrade my iPhone 4s to 6.1.3? I have an iOS
7.2 but I cannot turn-on the wi-fi. please do help.
Since updating my iphone 4 to ios7 my itunes hasnt worked i
backed it up and restored it to its original phone yesterday it was
working today its not pls help
SInce Updating to 7.0.2 My phone has been in recovery
mode…I have never had an update that did this….Great Thanks
Just restore. It'll be fine. That's why
you backup before you update.
this is CRAP a tiny update to wreck my main mode of
communications I (unlike most "Apple Zombies"
don't plug my phone into my computer often at all) hell, I
don't even use my home computer except to print
Oooh, "Apple Zombies". You must be a very
superior being Russ. Wanker!
How do I access the Greek password keyboard please
Open your Settings app
Go to General / Keyboard / Keyboards / Add New Keyboard…
I err.. wouldn't actually recommend it unless you are Greek though.
I wasn't expecting it to be for typing in general, I thought it was for the password entry on the lock screen.
The Siri to make calls while locked is still there and
airplane mode while locked
it would be awesome for them to fix this I hate Siri
talking to me from my pocket
tried to instal ois7.02 now my phones not going on
Hi ,did the updates successfully, problem I have since
update is that the phone will not answer the 'slide to
answer' ,not working effectively
ios 7.0.2 = ZONK !! F*#k OFF !!
I'm not sure I know the word "ZONK", but I suspect I've worked out it's meaning from the rest of your message.
Maybe Apple Support can help if you're having a problem? Or try the online discussion forums:
Installed 7.0.2 I can send messages email and phone using
Siri with the phone locked.
Thats all well and good but there is another flaw! As it
stands, you can turn on Airplane mode from the lock screen. So what
you say. But if your phone is stolen and Airplane mode is
activated, there's no point in 'Find my
iPhone' as the phone is not sending out a signal. Yes, you
can disable control center from the lock screen, but that defeats
the object of having it. All Apple need to do is hide the Airplane
mode tab in lock screen and expose it when pin unlocked.
everyone I talk to that has updated it hates it. I now wish I not updated my phone it's hard to see you for older eyes, icons are not very well done. My phone seems to be really cliquish now. Trying to figure out how to go back to the older version.
Great! It did work for me ! Remember to hold home button
until itunes will recognize your device and recovery mode. THX mate
struggling to sync my iTunes on laptop with recently
updated iphone as all was lost on update. iTunes is not recognising
my phone – can anyone help?
How do I change to the Greek keyboard?
Are you Greek Kathy?
If you're not Greek then it may be unwise to switch to a Greek keyboard.
But here's how your change the keyboard on your iPhone to Greek (and indeed umpteen other languages):
Open your Settings app
Go to General / Keyboard / Keyboards / Add New Keyboard…
no, i'm not greek. but i like the old keyboard to type in my password. that is what i thought this meant. i thought they were giving us back the old password keyboard.
guess not…………..
why does it takes so much time to get
I'm running iOS 7 dev beta update 3 and my 5th gen
iPod touch isn't detecting a software update, anybody know
blue tooth with Ford Sync all jacked up now!!!! car
controls are not responding ….can't change songs or
play/pause without manually hitting play from the phone.
Same here. My steering wheel audio controls in my Ford
Fusion are gone since loading 7.02 on my iPhone 5. I posted that in
the Apple Support Communities too. Not cool find this out while I
was driving.
when i plug my phone into iTunes it says there is a
problem? what do i do?
have you found a solution, if you have please share as I
have same problem!!
I'd recommend asking on Apple's Support Community forums:
I'm still pissed that I lost my calendar entries
when I "updated" to 7. I'm thinking
I'll try an Andriod phone soon.
Hi, Since updating my Iphone 4, my battery is draining
within about 4 hours. I have done both updates, turned off Wifi,
bluetooth, etc. Is this being addressed?
Since I downloaded ios7-7.2 on my iPhone 5 my battery dies extremely fast does anyone know why?
I am having the same problem. Started immediately after
updating to 7.02. And this is a newer (6 months) phone.
Hey Graham?
How can I update from ios6.1.3 to. 7.0.2 without having to restore it?
I Hate IOS 7.02 it sucks for IPhone 4 . I like to take
pictures on my iPhone and ios 7.02 says it uses panorama and I
don't get that on my phone or the color effects. I hate
that the txt screen is all white it hurts my EYEs when I have many
texts to read. please find a solution to the white screen .
7.2 Don't do it.. will mess up your phone. My
phone was working good on the IOS 7.1, excluding the code glitch,
now I lost all information and nothing is in the i cloud that was
backed up earlier. Will never consider an apple product
I updated my iphone today and hate it!! whats worse is the
Greek keyboard is jacked!! I changed my password and only used 3
characters, it accepted it and now I have been locked out of my
phone ALL day!! The symbol of sigma is not the same on the lock
screen and I am locked out!
I updated my Iphone 5 to IOS 7.2 a couple of weeks ago, i really liked the look and feel of it………….untill my phone decided to die on me, the apple logo was on for 3 seconds then off for 3 seconds. I took my phone to my service provider and they have sent it off to be looked at and hopefully fixed. I just hope all my videos and photos are still on there when i get it back, im not that fussed about the phone just the footage of my son. Has anybody else had this problem and do you know if i will get the phone back with the footage on.