3 comments on “Twitter’s spat with Vodafone leaves 2FA users locked out”

  1. david L

    Well hear in the US , we customers pay for the text for 2 factor ,failing that,if you lose your phone,there are back up codes I can use for , Google, Dropbox, and I think one other account. Then there are backup email for account recovery too. Because if you lose your phone,how else do you get the codes? I think if people act as though their account has been taken over,then the account recovery process should help get them a reset. I think I have back up codes for Twitteror facebook,but will have to look.

    1. Philip Le Riche · in reply to david L

      I'd been using SMS 2FA on Paypal for a while when that stopped working for me a couple of years ago. Paypal was aware of the issue and I understood at the time that it was a technical problem (which might have been a euphemism for someone not having paid the bills. I had to disable 2FA and was uneasy until it equally mysteriously started working again, maybe 6 months later.

    2. Coyote · in reply to david L

      The issue isn't the end users – they're just the ones with the problems. This could happen to you as well. The issue is that they aren't receiving the code because (example) twitter no longer uses Vodafone (whether because of not paying or not like the others mentioned I don't know, nor do I really care) and consequently the messages aren't sent in the first place.

      POTS (plain old telephone service) – i.e. copper – requires two or more (three way call and also party lines) parties (which makes sense, unless you like talking to a disconnected phone or a phone with no service… personally I prefer talking back to the voices that only speak to me). Twitter/others aren't telecos and as such they will have to pay like others (and actually, some telcos will pay others for equipment and this also goes for ISPs) and more generally they're on the terms of the carrier in question (like Vodafone). But instead of POTS, here, you have mobile phones (over cell technology which is why the US calls them cell phones – and calls the phones as well, I suppose – and is why they have cell sites) – you still need someone to communicate with, though. The only difference, perhaps, is mobility costs more (depending on provider, of course) and has other problems (that some may never have to experience but the problems still exist – of course no service is immune to problems but wireless has more problems than wired).

      This has nothing to do with twitter users; this has everything to do with twitter and vodafone. It's like this: if a company doesn't pay their ISP and their service is terminated then the customers of the company (that didn't pay the ISP – or the ISP is having an outage, maybe) won't be able to access the company's website. That's what this is only the provider isn't Internet service. If you still don't understand this this link might help you see the different services twitter wants with mobile carriers:


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