Ina Fried at Recode writes:
One of the big challenges for Android app developers is the fact that there are just so many different phones out there using a variety of versions of Google’s operating system.
That often means a lot more time and money spent testing and supporting Android than Apple’s iOS, but with Android running on the majority of smartphones out there, what’s a large developer to do?
Salesforce is taking a rather unusual stance in an effort to avoid this problem. Starting with an update to its Salesforce1 app later this year, the company will offer support for its app only to those using certain Google Nexus or Samsung Galaxy devices.
When I have friends and family who ask me which Android they should buy, I normally answer by saying “Get an iPhone instead.”
Because security updates matter.
When they continue to insist they *really* do want an Android, I tell them to get a Google Nexus. Or, maybe at a stretch, a Samsung. But personally I would steer clear of anything else because of this fragmentation issue.
Seems like I was right, or at least Salesforce agrees with me. Android is a painful operating system to properly support.
When popular apps like Salesforce basically throw in the towel and admit it’s too hard to properly support the multitude of different devices running Android, you know you’ve got a problem.
Probably should have included Motorola in that. I bought a Moto G 3rd generation a few months ago and it upgraded to Marshmallow after a couple of weeks. It doesn't have any of the bloatware of a Samsung.
Having said that, Salesforce is professional business software, and expecting a user to buy a £300 Nexus phone is not really asking too much for something their livelihood might depend upon.