Just shy of 100,000 people downloaded Sophos’s Klingon Anti-Virus earlier this year, which offered to scan your Windows PC for viruses, spyware, adware, Tribbles and zero-day threats.
During the course of the experiment we not only found that Helsinki was the Klingon-speaking capital of the world, but also that a surprising number of people chose to keep running the Klingon-language version of our software on their computers, automatically updating against the latest threats just as our software does in English, Spanish, Japanese and other languages.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6XD2zGtvAM&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0] Klingon Anti-Virus-YMCA mashup video, also available on Vimeo.(Enjoy this video? You can check out more on the SophosLabs YouTube channel and subscribe if you like)
I’m afraid, however, that all good things must come to an end and we will be pulling the plug on anti-virus updates to the Klingon version of our software at the end of this month. Anyone still relying upon us for detection of Betazoid sub-ether porn diallers would be wise to switch over to an English version of the threat detection test instead.
- Curious as to what this is all about? Learn more about Klingon Anti-Virus.
Update: Some people have been in touch asking why we are discontinuing updates for Klingon Anti-Virus.
I’m afraid that the issue is out of our hands.
A meeting of the Klingon High Council recently expressed concern that the continued existence of Klingon Anti-Virus reflected badly on the Klingon race, as they claim to have eradicated all Qo’noS-related malware, past present and future in both this and mirror universes. And we don’t like to upset them.
Live long and prosper. Any questions, please email [email protected].