Take care when opening your email inbox, as malicious hackers have spammed out another malware attack posing as a parcel delivery notification.
The emails, which pretend to be related to a FedEx package delivery, have been sent out via spam email to addresses around the world. But if you open the attached file – called document.zip – you risk infecting your Windows computer.
Dear customer.
The parcel was sent your home address.
And it will arrive within 7 business day.More information and the tracking number are attached in document below.
Thank you.
© FedEx 1995-2011
All of the emails we have seen in this latest campaign use the subject line “FedEx notification #XXXXX” (where “XXXXX” is a random number), although obviously this could be changed by the attackers at any time.
Sophos products intercept the malware attack as Troj/Bredo-FN.
As Duck described in his recent 90 second news video, scammers are banking on the coincidence that you really are waiting for a parcel to be delivered when one of these fake package notification emails arrives.
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