And the most educational security blog is…

TrophyThanks to everyone who voted in the European Security Blogger Awards 2015.

I’m delighted to say that this site was named “Most Educational Security Blog”, at a ceremony held last night at the Infosec show in London. A full list of winners can be found here. Well done to all.

Combined with the “Most Entertaining Security Blog” award won at RSA in San Francisco earlier this year, and “Best New Security Blog” at the 2014 EU Security Blogger awards, I think it’s fair to say that it’s been a cracking year for Graham Cluley Security News. :)

Blog awards

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I am genuinely chuffed to win a gong as “Most Educational Security Blog”.

The reason? I truly believe in the importance in helping regular computer users understand the – sometimes complex – issues revolving around online security and privacy, so they can better protect themselves.

The thanks, of course, needs to go to you – the readers.

Not just because you were eligible to vote in the awards (and thanks to those of you who did!), but also because of your constant suggestions as to how to make the site better, the way you generously share links to articles with your friends and colleagues, your ideas for stories and the contribution you make to the debate by leaving comments.

It’s you who keeps the site alive – so thank you!

In addition, big thanks must go to the guest contributors who generously offer their time and expertise to bring you great advice and opinions. Don’t forget, if you’re interested in joining the team by writing something for the site – here’s how you do it.

Finally, thanks to the companies who have been sponsoring the site this year, putting their marketing dollars where their mouth is and helping support an independent security blog.

If you can, do check out the products and services offered by the site’s sponsors by clicking the unobtrusive links at the top of every page – the sponsor’s support really helps me to bring you the latest security news and advice.

Don’t forget, you can help support the site by following us online (via Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and YouTube) or signing-up for the email newsletter if you want to ensure you never miss another story.

And with that, I’m going to put my keyboard and mouse down, and enjoy a little family time for a few days.

Stay safe everyone, and thanks again.

Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "Smashing Security" podcast. Follow him on Twitter, Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky, or drop him an email.

10 comments on “And the most educational security blog is…”

  1. Tony

    What about little old RSS?

    1. Graham CluleyGraham Cluley · in reply to Tony

      Yup. RSS is available too :).

  2. Hasan
  3. Carole Theriault

    yay – rock and roll bud bud. congrats. :)

  4. Adrian

    Congratulations, Graham!!
    Sepp Blatter gone & Graham Cluley rightfully honoured…..what a week for 'just desserts".

  5. JourneymanPT

    Deserved! Bravo! It's the only site about security I actually follow and enjoy reading, all the others are full of boring technical jargon. Now find more sponsors because you deserve a decent paycheck for all the information you share. :-)

  6. Coyote

    Was about to go get stuck in a book about the history of glue but checked your feed before, and saw this, so figured I'd write a quick congratulatory message.

    Congratulations, as always, and it is definitely very well deserved! (And yes, that is the best part of your site – that you can break things down for the average user; indeed things can be very complex and there's a certain aptitude for computers in general and that includes security. So absolutely your site is a great service to everyone – every vulnerable node is a a hassle to everyone else at best but also a risk to many nodes on the Internet! It is cyclical too, which really summarises the issue well).

  7. Anonymous
  8. Sally-Anne

    Yay!! Well done everyone!

  9. Vito Tuxedo

    Well deserved kudosity is thine!

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