Thanks to everyone who entered the Conficker news headline competition I was running earlier this week.
Here’s just a few of the entries:
- Conficker: world's greatest April Fool's joke or 'digital Pearl Harbor'?
- Conficker: Doomsday or Rickroll?
- Brainy worm might jack the world's PCs
- Virus threat to 9 million computers: Will your PC be hijacked on April 1?
- Conficker - The Paris Hilton of Botnets
- Conflicker virus expected to hit bank accounts from April 1
(hey, at least get the name of the virus correct)
and I’m a bit disappointed that no-one submitted this inspired headline from CNet:
- The Dancing Woz eliminated--Conficker to blame?
But, of course, I had to choose a winner and here it is:
Congratulations to Brian from the Datacenter at California State University San Bernardino for submitting the “Tick. Tick. Tick” headline (some others submitted it too, but Brian was first).
I must admit that my vote was swayed a little by one of the other headlines..
- Man charged with drunk driving on bar stool
Fact fans may be interested to know that Brian, who takes a medium-sized T-shirt, works as a Systems Administrator at the university, helping out with end user support.
Thanks to everyone once again for taking part in the competition. We’ll do another one again soon.