And the most entertaining security blog is…

TrophyI’m deeply honoured to announce that this site has been recognised at the RSA Security Blogger Awards, held last night in San Francisco.

At a glittering and glamorous gala event – surrounded by nibbles and pool tables – the world’s elite security bloggers gathered in their t-shirts to find out who had won gongs.

The awards are significant – because the only people eligible to vote are people who blog or podcast about computer security.

So, I’m delighted to say that Graham Cluley Security News won in its nominated category, and can now claim to be:

Most Entertaining Security Blog


I’m really chuffed to receive the award. So thanks to all who voted, and indeed anyone who agreed to let me hijack their computer into a botnet to help me swing it at the last minute. :)

Only kidding. Maybe.

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By the way, thanks also to everybody who recently took part in the poll I ran on Twitter and Facebook asking followers to choose a new logo for the site. I hope you like the new design.

Graham Cluley is an award-winning keynote speaker who has given presentations around the world about cybersecurity, hackers, and online privacy. A veteran of the computer security industry since the early 1990s, he wrote the first ever version of Dr Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows, makes regular media appearances, and is the co-host of the popular "The AI Fix" and "Smashing Security" podcasts. Follow him on Bluesky and Mastodon, or drop him an email.

17 comments on “And the most entertaining security blog is…”

  1. Iain Goldfinch

    Thoroughly deserved – congrats!

  2. Anonymous

    Congratulations Graham. I'm really pleased for you. Keep up the great work!

    The new design/logo looks good.

  3. Adrian H

    Congratulations, Graham!!!! Well deserved.indeed. (Btw, liking the new G-logo)
    Thanks for everything you do to keep computer muggles like me informed.
    Have a well-earned jelly baby!!

  4. Wayne

    I enjoy reading you insights and news, this reward is a small token of gratitude that I think every reader would want you to have.

  5. John

    Hi Graham, hurray !!! This award was well deserved. Unfortunately, I coudn't vote, as I am no security blogger, but could I have voted, I would have voted in your favour. Keep up the good work, would love to see your blog around for many, many years.

    PS: thank you for botting me, but did I just not hack your website? :-))) Ah, I guess not

  6. LegalBeagles

    Well done Graham, much deserved recognition for the entertaining way you get the important issues across to the masses.

  7. Lisa Vaas

    Uber Huzzah! Well-deserved, Graham!

  8. Alan Solomon
  9. Robin Bell

    Congratulations. I love your blog — always useful, often amusing.

  10. Coyote

    Congratulations Graham – well deserved! I suspected they would not accept my vote because I write about far more than security, and I have a very different (and in some ways flawed, admittedly) approach, but it seems it doesn't matter anyway. Your style, approach and methodology is something that the world needs more of. Education and especially awareness are both so important to security but many people writing about these things tend to write it in a way that is more technical, more dry, and inevitably more boring and difficult to understand to those who could otherwise make the most use of the information; the fact you can explain these things and in a way that everyone can easily understand, and at the same time make it entertaining and captivating (important! it is a constantly evolving issue!) is an impressive feat alone. But it is also a great service to everyone on the Internet (and indeed in person when relevant): every host at risk (if not already compromised) is a potential risk – and a nuisance – to every other host and as such, the more awareness the better the situation.

    As I already pointed out to you, indeed the new design is quite nice.

    Congratulations again!

  11. David

    Congrats! I've been reading your content for a while, you definitely deserve it.

  12. Rolf

    Congrats G-Man (as no-one ever calls you).
    This is the culmination of everything that Des Margetson ever tried to teach you – both computers and showbiz!

    1. Graham CluleyGraham Cluley · in reply to Rolf

      Thanks! Hope life is treating you well down under in Dunedin. :)

  13. gingerkitty

    This is AMAZING! Congratulations! Very well deserved. Your blog is invaluable! :D

  14. Ken Haynes

    Congratulations on the award Graham.

  15. Derek Davidson

    Extremely well earned award … am so very glad I signed up for your news email.

  16. Vito Tuxedo

    High fives on some well-deserved recognition, Graham!

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