Free Invisible Mobile App Security white paper from VASCO

Many thanks to the great folks at VASCO, who have sponsored my writing for the past week.

Mobile apps are hard to secure because they are often written with no built-in security. Delivering secure mobile apps requires invisible technologies, which assesses the integrity of the mobile app, and behaviometrics, which accurately authenticates users by the unique way they interact with their device. The net result is a more secure and frictionless mobile transaction experience.

More than 10,000 customers in 100 countries rely on VASCO to secure access, manage identities, verify transactions, simplify document signing and protect high value assets and systems.

Download VASCO’s 10-page white paper to learn how to:

  • Use Layered Protection Techniques
  • Identify & Block Malware Attacks in Real-Time
  • Integrate Biometric Authentication
  • Fortify the authentication chain from app through device
  • Secure the mobile app with invisible security

Interested in learning more? Download VASCO’s white paper about Invisible Security Technologies and Behaviometrics now.

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